Tschechischer Coaching-Verband veranstaltet „3. World Meeting of Coaches“ in Prag


Der tschechische Coaching-Verband „Czech Association of Coaches“ veranstaltet vom 03.–04.04.2014 zum dritten Mal das „World Meeting of Coaches“.

Der tschechische Coaching-Verband „Czech Association of Coaches“ (CAC) veranstaltet in diesem Jahr das „3. World Meeting of Coaches“. Vom 03.–04.04.2014 findet das Event in Prag (CZ) statt. Eingeladen sind alle Coaching-Interessenten, die sich mit den zwölf geladenen Coaches verschiedener Länder und Schulen in englischer Sprache zum Thema „What can we do today for the future of coaching as a profession?“ austauschen möchten. Die Zukunft der Profession Coaching steht demnach beim Meeting im Vordergrund. Zu den Referenten vor Ort zählen

  • Peter Szabó (Switzerland) - "Becoming Redundant as a Coach“
  • Soren Holm (Sweden) - "How Can We Build a Profession and Guard Our Passion at the Same Time?"
  • Kim Gørtz (Denmark) - "Using a Metamodelling Activity Within the Art of Coaching"
  • Olaf Zylicz (Poland) - "Coaching on Challenging Way Towards Maturity"
  • Pascale Reinhardt (France) - "Has Globalization Really Hit Coaching? Is There a Such Thing as a Local Specificities in Coaching Practices? How Then Do We Work Internationally?"
  • Jeremy Ridge (UK) - "Building Effective Practice in Coaching - a Seven Pillars Framework"
  • Klára Giertlová (Slovakia) - "It is a Long, Wide and High Enough for a Fasion Wave..."
  • Mette Mejlhede (Denmark) - "Working with Six Basic ”Eventualities” in the Art of the New Protreptic"
  • Mary Lippitt (USA) - "Coaching Trends and Opportunities:Expanding the Coaching Toolkit"
  • Bob Garvey (UK) - "Ethical Dilemmas"
  • Jabu Mashinini (JAR) - "It Is Good to Go Back for That Which You Have Forgotten - The Future of Coaching in Africa"
  • EPPOK - Ethical Platform of a Professional Organizations of Coaches - ICF, EMCC, ČAKO (Czech Republic)

Die Veranstaltung beginnt am 03.04.2014 um 09.00 Uhr im Autoklub Praha (Prag, CZ) und kostet ca. 420,00 € (11500 CZK). Mitglieder der CAC, EMCC und ICF Tschechien erhalten einen vergünstigten Beitrag. (aw)

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